
Stay Connected

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IDFA Launches New Newsletters

To keep members up to date on the latest issues, trainings and networking events offered by IDFA, the association publishes four unique newsletters: Advocacy Digest; Training & Education Digest; Networking Digest; and Connect. Advocacy Digest gives a snapshot of how IDFA staff and members are advocating on policy and regulatory issues. Training & Education Digest provides an overview of the webinars, IDFA partner programs, publications, knowledge products and issues analysis, and special training opportunities available to IDFA members and non-members alike. Networking Digest keeps the dairy community informed about IDFA signature events offered throughout the year. Finally, Connect provides a concise snapshot of the industry news members need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I subscribe?

All individuals who work for an IDFA member company and are included in our database receive our newsletters automatically. If your company is a member and you’re not receiving the newsletters, visit I’m New Here to add your name to our database. You’ll begin receiving the newsletters the following week.

If your company is not a member of IDFA and you would like to receive our newsletters, please create a profile by visiting I’m New Here, and you’ll begin receiving the newsletters the following week.

How do I know if my company is a member?

View the IDFA Member List

To request membership information, send an e-mail to to contact Cindy Cavallo, senior director of membership.

What are the advertising opportunities in Connect?

A variety of ad placement opportunities are available in the weekly Connect newsletter. Contact Colby Horton, executive vice president of marketing at MultiView, at, for more information.