Join us on November 8th for the next Membership Briefing to learn the many ways IDFA is working to make a difference for dairy by reducing or improving regulation, impacting legislation and policy affecting the dairy industry, or working to expand markets in the United States and abroad.
Membership briefings are scheduled three times a year to provide updates on issues that are, or will be, affecting your business. All members are welcome to participate. IDFA’s subject matter experts and member services staff will outline timely issues, their impact on dairy companies, IDFA’s action steps and ways members can participate in shaping the outcome.
We encourage employees in all job functions to participate because the briefings offer an excellent opportunity to engage on the issues that are important to you and your company. You can get answers to questions immediately, using the chat function.
We’ll also send a reminder e-mail to all members one week in advance. If you are not already receiving these reminders, please contact membership@idfa.org to be added to the distribution list.
An agenda for this briefing can be found here.
Recordings of past briefings are available to IDFA Members in the Knowledge Center.
IDFA is offering this webinar free to IDFA members only. If you have any questions about membership, please email membership@idfa.org.