Thursday, April 16, 2020
2:00-3:00PM Eastern
With President Trump’s signing of the CARES Act on March 27, 2020, emergency provisions have been enacted to attempt to stabilize the United States economy and help protect employers and employees during the COVID-19 crisis. This historic two trillion dollar bill contains provisions designed to keep businesses running, but can be burdensome to employers and employees alike, to understand and navigate the new legislation.
IDFA is pleased to partner with Herbein + Co. on this webinar focused on the business & tax implications of the CARES Act on the dairy business. Herbein + Co. will discuss their analysis of the bill and provide insight on best practice on how to best leverage this legislation to support your business.
Please join IDFA & Herbein + Co. on April 16th at 2pm for this informative hour.
Presented By
Michael J. Hermes, CPA
Manager | Herbein + Company, Inc.
Ronald W. Mong, CPA
Senior Manager | Herbein + Company, Inc.
Josh A. Pollet, CPA
Partner, Herbein + Company, Inc.
Member: Complimentary
Non-Member: $195.00
The webinar registration fee is based on membership. If you have any questions about membership, please email
Questions: If you have questions or need assistance with the registration process, please contact IDFA at 202-737-4332 or