Virtual Programming

FMMO Recommended Decision Analysis

IDFA Chief Economist Mike Brown provided an overview of the key takeaways from the recently released National Federal Milk Marketing Order Pricing Formula recommendations from the U.S. Department of A...


Recent Webinars

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HPAI Briefing by Federal Officials for IDFA Members

IDFA hosted a briefing by federal government officials on the highly pathogenic avian influenza outb...


Why Now is the Perfect Time to Install a Wind Turbine

Interested in learning about generating your own power and saving money on energy? Wind energy prese...


IDFA Analysis of USDA’s FMMO Recommended Decision

USDA’s recommended decision for FMMO Milk Pricing reform was released on Monday, July 1. The Recomme...


H5N1 Biosecurity & Sanitizing Protocols

IDFA presented an informative webinar where Ecolab's subject matter experts shared the latest biosec...


The Dairy Download Podcast

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The Dairy Download: Digital Transformation in Dairy Retail

Apple Podcasts |  Spotify | RSS | YouTube With advancements in technology a...


The Dairy Download: Lactose-free Dairy is Growing

Apple Podcasts |  Spotify | RSS | YouTube Research suggests that Americans....


The Dairy Download - Ice Cream: Changing Consumer Trends

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Summer is here and National Ice Cream Month is right...


The Dairy Download: Food Service Trends Fueling Dairy

Apple Podcasts |  Spotify | RSS | YouTube From quick service restaurants to...


Introduction to Dairy Product Labeling

Price for Members: $495.00 IDFA is pleased to present its Introduction to Dairy Product Labeling web...


Cream of the Crop: Will Your Machines Measure Up for Manufacturing Flexibility?

As dairy producers responding to new technologies and rapidly-evolving consumer demand, offering a r...


Morning Consult – IDFA National Tracking Poll on Fluid Milk Preferences

IDFA partnered with Morning Consult to conduct a national tracking poll of 2,200 Americans to better...


Pathogen Environmental Monitoring and Control: The Road to Success

IDFA and leading experts in the field to discuss the legal and regulatory ramifications and the “how...


The Evolving Perspectives and Strategies of Dairy Executives

A study by McKinsey & Company in partnership with IDFA finds declining domestic dairy consumptio...


IDFA Membership Briefing

Membership briefings are scheduled three times a year to provide updates on issues that are, or will...


Update on Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Media stories of late have reported on various levels of “forever chemicals” found in food, from dri...


A Winning Growth Formula for Dairy: Perspectives from McKinsey & Company April 8, 2019

Groundbreaking research, conducted by McKinsey & Company in collaboration with IDFA, provides a....


Dues Webinar

In order to watch the Dues Webinar, please click this link.


National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard – What Dairy Needs to Know

USDA recently finalized the National Bioengineered (BE) Food Disclosure Standard, requiring food man...


A Winning Growth Formula for Dairy

Modest growth forecasts, shifting consumer tastes, and increased competition at home will force exec...


Women Leading Forward

The sea of faces at Dairy Forum tells the story of how few women currently hold top leadership posit...
