By Becky Rasdall, IDFA Women in Dairy Lead
IDFA's first-ever State of Women in Dairy report provides IDFA members and dairy industry with data-based metrics and recommendations to support gender equality across the entire supply chain.
Women in the U.S. dairy industry are better represented than ever before. We’re moving into more management positions, earning higher salaries, and gaining more recognition for our contributions. Yet, despite this progress, we still see roadblocks.

Members can download the full report via the link below.
Enter IDFA’s 2024 State of Women in Dairy report.
For the first time, IDFA has collected data and research that will allow companies to see what is changing and what is not across U.S. dairy so that we can fully address the opportunities and challenges in front of us. The report stems from IDFA's multifaceted People Strategy and its signature programs like the Women in Dairy network that are working to provide our members with the knowledge, tools and talent to succeed in a more competitive, diverse and inclusive future.
Through Women in Dairy, IDFA and its members are committed to improving gender equality in the dairy industry through data-based research and actions. The 2024 State of Women in Dairy survey and report are a direct outcome of this ongoing commitment. The report captures key metrics on the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and policies affecting women employed throughout the dairy supply chain. And that’s important because the kind of lasting change we’re looking for requires time, data and collaboration.
In our survey, we learned:
- Policies prohibiting gender discrimination are widespread, but some question their effectiveness.
- More and more companies are offering flexible work schedules, and men and women support additional flexibilities to care for family members.
- When it comes to leadership, 55% of the female respondents said they want to be a senior leader while an additional 34% say they already hold a senior position.
That is just a small sample of what this report offers. We encourage current and future leaders in the dairy industry to review the report, consider the findings, and begin to look for ways to engage with IDFA and your own teams to address challenges and create more opportunities for women in U.S. dairy. This is an important opportunity for collaboration and progress. IDFA is planning a host of new programming in the coming months to continue the conversation around opportunities identified in the report. I hope you’ll join us in this effort.
Download the Report
IDFA members and members of Women in Dairy have access to the full report, including key takeaways from the survey, and recommendations for industry action. If you are a member of IDFA or Women in Dairy, please log in to the website via the red circle in the top right corner of your screen in order to access the full report.
IDFA Staff Contact

Becky Rasdall Vargas
Senior Vice President, Trade and Workforce Policy, International Dairy Foods Association
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Learn more about the IDFA People Strategy.
Learn more about IDFA's Women in Dairy network.