WASHINGTON, July 20, 2020—In a poll of nearly 2,000 registered voters from the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) conducted by Morning Consult, more than three-quarters of Republican, Democrat and Independent voters support extending temporary tax relief to food and agricultural workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The poll from IDFA conducted by Morning Consult sought to learn more about the voting public’s perspective on essential workers and how the federal government can support their work with tangible relief during this unprecedented emergency.

The poll found broad bipartisan support in offering temporary tax relief to agricultural and food workers, grocery store workers, farm workers, and other workers on the front line within the food and agricultural supply chain. More than three-quarters of Republican, Democrat and Independent voters, as well as voters across all regions of the country, support offering this relief. While a strong majority of all voters across key demographics agree these workers are essential, women, baby boomers and Midwest voters agree the strongest.

“As the IDFA poll conducted by Morning Consult finds, a vast majority of U.S. voters across all political spectrums and regions of the country strongly support providing temporary tax relief to our essential workers performing their duties on the front lines in food, agriculture, grocery stores and other important parts of the food supply chain,” said Michael Dykes, D.V.M., president and CEO of IDFA. “We urge all members of Congress to support legislation in the next coronavirus relief package providing targeted tax relief to workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. We are more secure because of their essential work.” The poll was conducted between July 14-July 16, 2020 among a national sample of 1,993 registered voters. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

The full results are here. Here are the key results from the poll:

Key Results

  • Nine in ten registered voters consider food supply chain workers—grocery store workers (93%), agricultural and food production workers (90%), and farm workers (89%)—"essential” amid the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Eight in ten registered voters support providing food supply chain workers—grocery store workers (81%), agricultural and food production workers (79%), and farm workers (79%)—temporary tax relief during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Voters across the political spectrum are concerned for agricultural and food production workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; similarly, more than three quarters of Republicans and Democrats are in strong agreement that essential workers in food, agriculture and grocery stores are deserving of temporary tax relief.
    • A strong majority (>60%) of registered voters support offering temporary tax relief amid the coronavirus pandemic to essential workers:
      • Health Care workers (84%)
      • First Responders (84%)
      • Grocery Store workers (81%)
      • Agricultural and Food Production workers (79%)
      • Farm workers (79%)
      • Child-care workers (79%)
      • Construction workers (66%)
      • Vehicle and Machinery workers (65%)
      • Hospitality and Entertainment workers (60%)

Detailed Results for Food Supply Chain Workers

Concerned for

  • 86% of voters are concerned for grocery store workers during COVID-19
  • 73% are concerned for agricultural and food production workers during COVID-19
  • 62% are concerned for farm workers during COVID-19

Essential Workers

  • 93% of voters believe grocery store workers are essential workers amidst the coronavirus pandemic
  • 90% believe agricultural and food production workers are essential workers amidst the coronavirus pandemic
  • 89% believe farm workers are essential workers amidst the coronavirus pandemic

Tax Relief

  • 81% of voters support providing temporary tax relief to grocery store workers during COVID-19
  • 79% of voters support providing temporary tax relief to agricultural and food production
  • 79% of voters support providing temporary tax relief to farm workers during COVID-19

Interviews for the IDFA poll conducted by Morning Consult were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of registered voters based on gender, educational attainment, age, race, and region.

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The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., represents the nation’s dairy manufacturing and marketing industry, which supports more than 3 million jobs that generate $159 billion in wages and $620 billion in overall economic impact. IDFA’s diverse membership ranges from multinational organizations to single-plant companies, from dairy companies and cooperatives to food retailers and suppliers, all on the cutting edge of innovation and sustainable business practices. Together, they represent 90 percent of the milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt and cultured products, and dairy ingredients produced and marketed in the United States and sold throughout the world. Delicious, safe and nutritious, dairy foods offer unparalleled health and consumer benefits to people of all ages.

Media Contact

Andrew Jerome

Vice President, Communications