IDFA expresses gratitude to Danone North America for leading effort on new claim

WASHINGTON, March 1, 2024— The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) is pleased with the decision published today by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve the first-ever qualified health claim for yogurt, recognizing a potential link between its regular consumption and a reduced risk of type-2 diabetes. The FDA’s decision came in response to a petition submitted by Danone North America. The new claim is available for all yogurt makers.

Two versions of the new claim were permitted by FDA, including, “Eating yogurt regularly (at least three servings per week) may reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, according to limited scientific evidence” or “Eating yogurt regularly may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. FDA has concluded there is limited information supporting this claim.” During its decision, the FDA reviewed the existing research on yogurt and type 2 diabetes, which included data from over 300,000 individuals, and found including yogurt in the typical American diet could have a significant benefit to public health.

“We now know that eating yogurt regularly is not only an excellent source of essential nutrients, it also can have a significant benefit to public health, including reducing the risk of type-2 diabetes,” said Roberta Wagner, IDFA’s senior vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs. “This decision by FDA should be closely considered by members of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, alongside the growing body of science demonstrating the health benefits of consuming dairy products at all fat levels, which shows these products are not associated with higher risk of negative health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Altogether, dairy products continue to demonstrate they are central to healthy, balanced diets for all people of all ages.”

Yogurt is a nutrient-dense food that is a good source of protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, and phosphorous. Some yogurts have vitamin D added. Read more about the nutritional benefits of yogurt here. Yogurt is a more easily digestible alternative to milk for many people because, on average, it contains less lactose than milk. In addition, yogurt’s live and active cultures continue to have activity in the intestinal tract and may allow lactose intolerant individuals to enjoy dairy products with fewer associated symptoms. Yogurt was identified as one of the first foods for infants and toddlers, with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommending that infants can begin consuming yogurt at 6 months of age. Yogurt remains a recommended food item for toddlers over the age of 12 months, providing essential nutrients and servings toward dairy recommendations.

Diabetes is one of the top 10 causes of death in the U.S., impacting more than 37 million Americans with 1.4 million new cases diagnosed every year. The overwhelming majority of these cases are type-2 diabetes, the risk for which can often be managed with lifestyle changes such as being more active and eating nutrient-rich foods. Based on this newly approved health claim, yogurt could be one of them.

Good nutrition is the foundation of health and wellness for adults and children alike, and dairy products including yogurt are a crucial part of a healthy diet beginning at a very young age. In fact, no other type of food or beverage provides the unique combination of nutrients that dairy contributes to the American diet, including high-quality protein, calcium, vitamin D, and potassium, and health benefits including better bone health and lower risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dairy products play a critical role in the diet of children. According to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, American children and adolescents over four years old are not consuming enough dairy to meet DGA recommendations. Moreover, a growing body of data and research underscores the role that dairy—at all fat levels—should play in a healthy diet. In fact, a growing body of evidence indicates that consumption of full-fat dairy foods (milk, cheese and yogurt) is not associated with higher risk of negative health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

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The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., represents the nation’s dairy manufacturing and marketing industry, which supports more than 3.2 million jobs that generate $49 billion in direct wages and $794 billion in overall economic impact. IDFA’s diverse membership ranges from multinational organizations to single-plant companies, from dairy companies and cooperatives to food retailers and suppliers, all on the cutting edge of innovation and sustainable business practices. Together, they represent most of the milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt and cultured products, and dairy ingredients produced and marketed in the United States and sold throughout the world. Delicious, safe and nutritious, dairy foods offer unparalleled health and consumer benefits to people of all ages.

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Andrew Jerome

Vice President, Communications