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EPISODE 4 - "The Rural-Urban Divide": Episode 4 of The Dairy Download explores our nation’s rural and urban divide. Is that a real thing? And, if it is, how are leaders in agriculture and rural America working to close the gap? Hosts Phil Plourd and Kathleen Wolfley jump into the dairy markets and explore how home sales are buoying the economy, before talking with two guests who have made it their lives’ work to represent the interests of rural Americans.
Their first guest is Dee Davis, founder and president of the Center for Rural Strategies and Chair of the Rural Assembly Steering Committee. He has a long career in arts, culture, journalism and community organizing in Kentucky. Dee hails from the coal fields of Appalachia and believes rural and urban Americans are not so different in their basic needs and outlook.
Next, Phil and Kathleen speak with Congressman Collin Peterson, a long-serving Democrat from Minnesota’s 7th Congressional district. He is Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and currently finds himself in the middle of a tough Congressional race. Chairman Peterson would like to see more Democrats devoted to rural and agricultural issues. He says, “We hardly have anyone left like me in a farm or rural district that is a Democrat. And that’s a problem, because you can’t get anything done in [Congress] that’s going to have any longevity or that is going to stick unless you have both parties doing it.”
To sponsor a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Melissa Lembke at mlembke@idfa.org.

The Dairy Download is available anywhere you listen to podcasts. Subscribe for free on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pandora or in your favorite podcast app to automatically receive each new episode, which will publish every other week on Thursday morning.
About The Dairy Download
The International Dairy Foods Association and Blimling and Associates are partnering to produce “The Dairy Download,” a new podcast for anyone who follows the twists and turns of the U.S. dairy industry. Witty, fast-moving and stacked with dynamic guests, the podcast offers sharp insights in a neat package under 25 minutes. Blimling’s Phil Plourd and Kathleen Wolfley host each episode, leading listeners through a rundown of action in the CME markets and things to watch, while going in depth with guests on consumer, market and policy trends shaping dairy. Wonks, nerds, data hounds and tech evangelists are welcome. Listeners will get the perspectives of various industry experts who can unpack challenging issues in fun and interesting ways. Learn more about the podcast at www.idfa.org/thedairydownload.
Episodes 1-4 of "The Dairy Download" are sponsored by Stanpac, which has been manufacturing milk and ice cream packaging for companies located throughout North America for more than 70 years.