IDFA in collaboration with PwC presented the final session in our ESG Learning Series delivered by Amanda Kish, PwC ESG Partner and Zarin Mitchell, PwC ESG & Sustainability Director. Each session of the ESG Learning Series is eligible for 1 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.
In Session #6: Governance Aspects of ESG, viewers gained insight into the "G" or governance in ESG. Governance pertains to corporate governance matters such as board diversity and executive pay, as well as operational governance issues such as corruption and bribery. It is more important than ever that boards carefully consider which ESG topics are appropriate for them to oversee. Equally important is the development of governance structures that support effective oversight.
Watch the presentation to learn about governance focus areas, governance and operational structures, and board oversight responsibilities.

Amanda Kish
ESG Partner, PwC

Zarin Mitchell
Director, ESG and Sustainability, PwC
This series will be most relevant to CFOs, financial professionals, COOs, Chief Sustainability Officers and ESG professionals, Chief People/HR Officers, Chief Legal Officers, and marketing and communications professionals.
We encourage you to view all six sessions. Details on CPE credits can be found here.
ESG Learning Series: