The concept of wellness has been around for a long time. These days, consumers view wellness through a much broader and more sophisticated lens, encompassing not just fitness and nutrition but also overall physical and mental health and appearance. They also have more choice in the types of products and services they buy and the way they buy them.
McKinsey & Company’s latest research shows that consumers care deeply about wellness—and that their interest is growing. In a survey of roughly 7,500 consumers in six countries, 79 percent of the respondents said they believe that wellness is important, and 42 percent consider it a top priority. In fact, consumers in every market we researched reported a substantial increase in the prioritization of wellness over the past two to three years.
Presented By

Anna Pione
Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company

Shaun Callaghan
Partner, McKinsey & Company

Pradeep Prabhala
Partner, McKinsey & Company