This is a unique period in time where our member companies are facing simultaneous shocks on more fronts (demand; pricing; input, labor and supply chain costs; employee well-being and retention to name a few) than ever before.

As a result, companies more than ever are in need of an integrated way to address all these challenges rapidly and in parallel. In other words, companies need a way to transform.

The track record on transformation is poor (>70% do not fully deliver). In contrast, the McKinsey Transformation approach has helped companies outperform, delivering >2.5x what management teams thought possible.

This is achieved by combining extremely rigorous execution (to drive near-term impact in as little as three months), across all levers of growth, cost, and organizational health combined with widespread employee upskilling (to ensure the impact sustains over the long-term).

View this webinar to learn more about how this unique approach could help your organization navigate current disruptions and emerge on a new trajectory.

Presented By


David Chia

Senior Vice President, McKinsey & Company

AD Bhatia

MT Partner, McKinsey & Company

Amy Daschle

MT Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company

Ludovic Meilhac

Partner, McKinsey & Company

Christina Adams

Partner, McKinsey & Company