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Are you looking to improve your Aseptic or ESL product’s time to result? The experts at Hygenia explored a challenge many Aseptic and ESL plants face – onboarding rapid methods to shorten finished product’s time to release.

In the presentation, viewers learned what it takes to onboard a rapid method for finished product release. Hear from Dan Geffin, an FDA food technologist, Pablo Coronel, Ph.D., CBR Group’s senior fellow for food processing and safety, and Bonnie Tang, Shamrock Food’s quality assurance manager.

Presented By


Pablo Coronel

Senior Fellow, Food Processing and Safety, CRB

Bonnie Tang

Quality Assurance Manager, Shamrock Foods Company

Daniel Geffin

Food Technologist/Consumer Safety Officer, FDA Center for Safety and Applied Nutrition

Will Gannon

Global Product Manager, Product Quality, Hygiena

Moderated by:

John Allan

Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and International Standards