IDFA’s Regulatory RoundUP virtual conference returned in 2024 with a jam-packed lineup of current and former federal regulatory officials and regulatory experts from IDFA and other organizations serving the food, beverage and nutrition sector. The two-day event covered FDA reform, food labeling litigation, new policy landscape, food labeling litigation, facility inspections, front-of-pack labelling, outbreak updates, prevention strategies, and food safety culture.. Below are videos and presentations from each session of the conference, which are available to registrants. If you registered for the conference and are not able to see the materials below, please sign in to the website via the red circle in the right corner of your browser window.

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Registered attendees may view presentation materials from "Regulatory RoundUP 2024". If you are seeing this message and you believe you should have access to the materials, please refresh your session by logging out and logging back in to the IDFA website via the red button in the top right corner of your screen. If you still cannot see the materials, please contact us at