What do the Black Hills, Mount Rushmore and more than 150,000 cows have in common? They all call South Dakota home. On the latest episode The Dairy Download, we talk to two guests encouraging growth in the state’s dairy industry.

Joining us first is Paul Kosboth, Owner and Manager of A1 Development Solutions. Prior to founding the agricultural development company, Kosboth served as South Dakota’s Director of Ag Development. He joins the show to discuss changes and expansion in the state’s dairy herd, and what makes South Dakota an idea place for milk producers and processors.

Next up is Jason Mischel, Vice President of Sales and Milk Procurement for Valley Queen Cheese Company. Founded more than 90 years ago, Valley Queen now uses more than 1.8 billion pounds of milk to produce over 200 million pounds of cheese each year. Mischel discusses the company’s growth and how Valley Queen is attracting producers from across the globe to South Dakota.

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If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Melissa Lembke at mlembke@idfa.org.

 Questions or comments about the show? We want to hear from you. Send a note to dairydownload@idfa.org and your feedback could be included on a future episode.

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Witty, fast-moving and stacked with dynamic guests, The Dairy Download offers sharp insights in a neat, 25-minute package. Blimling’s Phil Plourd and Kathleen Wolfley host each episode, leading listeners through a rundown of action in the CME markets and things to watch, while going in depth with guests on consumer, market and policy trends shaping dairy.

Wonks, nerds, data hounds and tech evangelists are welcome. Listeners get the perspectives of various industry experts who can unpack challenging issues in fun and interesting ways.

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