Whether it’s a slice of pizza or a prime-cut steak, whether it’s served on a white tablecloth or in a cardboard box, restaurant food has become a staple of American diets. But even with pandemic shutdowns and restrictions primarily in the rearview, foodservice still faces obstacles to attracting diners. In the latest episode of The Dairy Download, we speak with two experts about the current state of the restaurant business.
First up is Jonathan Maze, Editor-in-Chief of Restaurant Business Magazine. While inflation is a hot topic, data suggests it may be taking a relatively moderate bite out of consumers’ foodservice budgets. So, where are consumers spending their restaurant dollars? And what’s the next big thing coming to the industry? Maze weighs in.
Next, we speak with Tim Powell, Managing Principal with Foodservice IP. Looking beyond traditional restaurants, foodservice remains hot in establishments like colleges, hospitals and senior living. What does consumption look like in those facilities? And where else are diners going to pick up a bite to eat? Powell discusses those topics and more.
The episode is sponsored by Fogg Filler.
"Fogg has been providing rinsing, filling, capping, sorting, and sanitizing equipment for the dairy industry for more than 65 years. From single-serve to gallon bottles of milk, cream, and kefir, Fogg can fill it. Visit go.foggfiller.com/dairydownloadpod and see how we can provide bottling equipment for your dairy application.”
If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Melissa Lembke at mlembke@idfa.org.
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Witty, fast-moving and stacked with dynamic guests, The Dairy Download offers sharp insights in a neat, 30-minute package. Ever.Ag’s Phil Plourd and Kathleen Wolfley host each episode, leading listeners through a rundown of action in the CME markets and things to watch, while going in depth with guests on consumer, market and policy trends shaping dairy.
Wonks, nerds, data hounds and tech evangelists are welcome. Listeners get the perspectives of various industry experts who can unpack challenging issues in fun and interesting ways.
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