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IDFA Members and Non-Members can view presentation materials from "Traceability Recordkeeping Under FSMA: What Dairy Processors Need to Know About FDA’s Final Rule". If you are logged in and can not see the materials, please refresh your session by logging out and logging back in to the IDFA website via the red button in the top right corner of your screen.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in November 2022, published a final rule "Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods" designed to improve the agency's ability to rapidly track and trace food through the supply chain. Covered entities – including farms, manufacturers, distributors, retail food establishments, and restaurants – will be required to provide this traceability information to the FDA within 24 hours of an official request, or within some reasonable time to which the FDA agrees. Covered entities are those that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the Food Traceability List (FTL). The only dairy products included in the FTL are certain cheeses, but when used as ingredients in other foods, those foods may also be covered.
It is clear this new regulation will have significant impacts on the food industry that is directly regulated under its provisions, but there will also be spill-over effects on other companies and products.
IDFA and our outside legal counsel, Hogan Lovells US, LLP, presented an in-depth webinar to review the rule and discuss the impacts on the cheese industry and beyond.
Presented by:

Moderated by:

John Allan
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and International Standards

Joseph Scimeca, PhD
Former Senior Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, International Dairy Foods Association

Elizabeth B. Fawell
Partner, Hogan Lovells